Student/Parent Information Page
High School
Student Services
From the Superintendent

Parents! Stay involved in your child’s education.
Shonto Preparatory School in partnership with parents, can directly affect a child’s academic achievement. Every quarter the school will send academic and attendance progress reports home to parents. During the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, a mid-quarter progress report will also be sent home. Parents/guardians are welcome to schedule a conference call with their child’s teachers by email during their prep hours.
Parents Are Expected To
Maintain a reliable phone number listed with the school at all times.
Attend scheduled appointments scheduled with the school.
Attend regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences.
Help enforce school attendance and student discipline standards.
Sign up for Parent Portals.
Participate in the school Parent Advisory Committees (PAC, IEC).
Build a strong parental involvement through coordination, technical assistance, and other support by implementing effective activities to improve their child’s academic performance.
In order to ensure that we can communicate with families regarding their student, or in case of an emergency, it is essential that families keep their emergency contact information up to date. Please call the school with any changes in your contact information.