SEPTEMBER 22, 2024 TO OCTOBER 11, 2024

Residential Services


Shonto Preparatory Schools Residential Program prepares students for their future by teaching Diné life principles to grow into confident and independent citizens.


Shonto Preparatory Schools Residential Program supports the academic goals of the Shonto Preparatory Schools.

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School Year Enrollment

Students are accepted year round. Students must first enroll and be accepted at one of the schools before considered eligible to enroll in the Residential Program.

Student Enrollment Eligibility
The residential program operates on ISEP funds for the first (1st) through eighth (8th) grade students based on a three (3) year rolling average during a three (3) week period in September and October. Eligible students are counted for a minimum of two (2) bed checks, one being after school and the other at the midnight bed count. A student is counted eligible if the student is recorded as physically present during the specified time recorded by residential personnel for a minimum of one day per week during the count weeks.

The residential program does not receive funds for services provided to high school students. The service to a high school student is based on the Shonto Preparatory Schools Governing Board Inc.’s support and compassion for the student’s academic achievement. The residential program will accept five (5) high school students for every twenty (21) eligible determined ISEP count students, First through Eighth Grade, determined by the current three week ISEP School Year Count. The high school acceptance criteria are as follows:

  • A promoted Middle School Student from Shonto Preparatory Schools.

  • Cumulative 2.5 GPA

  • Shonto Preparatory Schools Dean of Student Recommendation Letter for Eighth Grade Promoted Student

  • Shonto Preparatory-Technology High School Dean of Student Recommendation Letter

  • Physical residence is located outside the school district busing routes.

  • Must have no prior record for out-of-school suspension, substance use or possession, which includes paraphernalia, threats, zero tolerance, and/or school disruption.

  • Prior school year successful residential completion.

  • Extenuating home situations for graduating high school seniors, McKinney & Vento Act.

  • Must utilize the residential stay five nights a week for the duration of the school year, Sundays through Friday mornings.

  • Must be seventeen (17) years of age or younger


The Shonto Preparatory Schools Residential Program is a support service for students attending Shonto Preparatory Schools as a five (5) night BIE residential program located on the school campus during the school year. The program offers a structured safe learning environment for its students to learn, practice self-care, personal hygiene and life skills with a strong emphasis on academic achievement. The students are between the ages of 6 to 17 years of age from grade levels first through the twelfth grades. The high school students must meet set conditional criteria to participate in the program. The residential program works in compliance with 25 CFR, Part 36, Subpart G, regulation, Navajo Nation Tribal 10 Code and the Arizona Revised Statues 15 as a reference for student safety.

The Residential Program supports the academic goals of the Shonto Preparatory School by empowering and guiding students to become life-long learners through academic support and character development. The residential program activities are structured and guided by competent personnel who provide individualized and close monitor of students to create a safe, learning and fun environment for everyone. Thank you! Parents and students for choosing to participate in the Shonto Preparatory Schools Residential Program. On behalf of the residential personnel, welcome. We are looking forward to providing a student first based principle program.

The Residential Services Department comprises of program activities that promote students' emotional sense of security, physical well-being, autonomy, and self-esteem and to learn personal social skills at an early age leading to strong, independent living skills as they approach adolescence and adulthood. These programs are: after school tutoring, study hall and reading, counseling services, recreational and sports participation, guidance in canteen operation and banking, leisure time, music, dance and cultural appreciation, self-care and personal health and safety education.

Parental involvement in their children's education and social life is very important in the residential activities as well as in the school classroom setting. Therefore, the residential staff encourages each parent to visit her/his child often throughout the week at the residential halls to ensure that individual student does well in every aspect of her/his learning endeavors during the school year.

Lena Clitso, Residential Manager. 928-672-8062